Jessica Chan - Sowing Ground


We are excited to introduce you to Artist Jessica Chan! ⁠

Q: What inspires you about Bremerton?⁠
A: I love how much the community rallies around each other. People are truly committed to seeing Bremerton not only do well, but thrive. The support people lend one another, to artists and local businesses is so uplifting! It's very different from the city I grew up in. ⁠

Q: What drew you to your medium?⁠
A: My background is in printmaking and book arts (paper making + book binding + altered books) but the work I currently create utilizes a mix of digital and traditional media. I really enjoy putting paint to paper and see a blank page come alive, but I also love all the awesome things you can do with digital tools. I just really love using my hands to work and create, so I am also drawn to embroidery, paper crafts (crepe paper flowers, origami) and making art in the kitchen!⁠

Q: Where do you find inspiration? ⁠
A: I definitely draw most of my inspiration from nature. I have always loved animals and as an adult, discovered a love for plants as well. My house is full of plants and if I had my way, it would also be full of cats! All the best colors come from nature and the most beautiful forms and compositions are derived from those found in nature. I love to create art that showcases the wonder of nature and inspires joyful living!⁠

Q: Where can we find more of your art?⁠
A: You can find my art (art prints, vinyl stickers, postcards, greeting cards) at and follow along on my creative journey on instagram @sowingground or Facebook @sowingrnd !⁠